Windows 7 Search no longer works:  Error about permission
Hello All, I have a problem recently happen and the solutions I have tried didn't work. Here is the background. I have a windows 7 x64. I noticed when I hit start button --> type anything the "search programs and files" nothing appears. When I click enter or try advance search I get this error: "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item" I did a little digging around forums and solutions and nothing has worked except one, the creation of a new admin user. I would like to fix my main account before this solution is final. Below I have pasted what I have tried. I posting this in permissions because I leading towards that direction since what the error message says. Any help would be great. Thank you for taking the time in reading this. What I have tried: 1) Regedit value: (Failed) a. In many places I have seen instructions to delete the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\Explorer\FolderTypes\{ef87b4cb-f2ce-4785-8658-4ca6c63e38c6} key in order to fix this issue but it is not showing up in my registry: I do not have this key on my computer. I have two other keys. {0B2BAAEB-0042-4DCA-AA4D-3EE8648D03E5} & {FBB3477E-C9E4-4B3B-A2BA-D3F5D3CD46F9} 2) Rebuild the index: (Failed) a. Followed process to rebuild the index, nothing worked 3) New user account and move your files over to the new account (worked) a. I know this worked but I do not want to use this as a solution. I would like to know what happened and how to fix it. Plus I would have to reinstall many programs on the new account. 4) System restore: (Not a option) a. Not a option. I do not know when this issue accord and going back only few days I'm pretty sure wouldn't work.
May 15th, 2011 7:19pm

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